
Lexemancers encant when they speak, sing, or chant the power of a wird into being.  If they encant a lexid, that creature enters existence and is breathed life.  Lexemancers can also encant non-living objects into tangible existence.  Whenever the encantation’s wird is an action instead, that action or effect happens.  
So, a lexemancer might choose to encant a fireball or to burn something, using related forms of pyro wirds.


Envoking (“speaking into”) is broadly similar to encanting.  In the hidden society of lexemancers, though, envoking usually refers specifically to stoking a voxblade or similar tool with tremendous lexemantic power.  Some traditionalists talk about how they call or sing to their blades to bring them to furious life. They’re not wrong.


Rarely, a human is born as a were-angel, able to shift beyond mundane form into a half-angelic one.  These peoples have existed in secret ever since the beginning of humans. All were-angels are gifted with the profound power of lexemancy: speaking creatures, effects, and events into existence out of the nothingness of silence.  

They identify themselves many ways according to the languages they speak: Were-angel, Encanter, the Kind, Caelian…but all call themselves Lexemancer.


A Lexemancer skilled in encanting new wirds they’ve never heard or used before—creating the wird in a hurry or to get out of danger, most commonly. 


A voxblade manifests its wielder’s voice, accumulating the lexemantic energy of their wirds, shaping this raw power into a formidable, tangible, physical weapon or tool.

The term “vox” comes from Latin and stands for “voice,” aligning perfectly with the concept of the weapon being an extension of the were-angel’s lexemantic abilities. It emphasizes the importance of the spoken wird in their power set.

Voxblades are the most common form that were-angels envoke from the tool’s metal or wooden grip (the hilt or handle).  Voxhammers, voxstaves, voxshields and more are all completely possible.


A word encanted (spoken as lexemancy).  If the wird is a noun, that noun is spoken into being at that instant. If the wird is a modifier, an adjective or adverb, then the target of the wird is instantly or slowly modified according to the wird’s meaning. If the wird is a verb, the action or event begins to happen as the wird is spoken by the encanting lexemancer. 


Casual, informal term of endearment from one Lexemancer to another: “you are such a WirdNird and that’s exactly why I love you so much!”