Enter the secret world of lexemancer were-angels hiding across the world you think you know

Wirds of Lexemancy: Slang, terms, and neologisms

The Lexid World

The students of Lumen Eyrie Academy For Excelsior Youths are an international, inclusive, diverse and neurodiverse mix of mundane human kids and, secretly hiding in plain sight among them, half-angel (were-angel ‘shifter) students as well.

The academy sprawls across a massive estate outside the city. Its centuries-old buildings stand as a testament to the durability of the old gothic cathedral complex it was restored from.

Design Themes

  • Language shapes reality, not just our perceptions of it.
  • Growing up is hard.
  • Monsters in our heads made real and embodied,
  • Grownups are distressingly prone to abusing power.
  • Learning is experiential, physicalized as exploring instead of passively sitting in ordered rows.
  • Code switching and culturally masking embodied as having to blend into mundane society/school alongside mundane classmates, then getting to gather in lexemancer-only hidden classes where the unusual students are free to be all of who they were created to be and who they are growing to become.

Visual Themes

Interplay of:

  • light and shadow
  • good and evil
  • rights and wrongs
  • history and present